

Aux sources du temps présent

Directed by Prof. Claude Hauser and Dr. Stéphanie Roulin, the series is published by the Department of Contemporary History of the University of Fribourg.

Founded in 1996 by prof. Francis Python and Claude Hauser, the series "Aux Sources du Temps Présent" (ASTP) aims to publish excellent dissertations in contemporary history. The series is non-profit and promotes academic work while serving as an editorial platform for young historians.


Études d'éthique chrétienne, Nouvelle série

This interdisciplinary series of monographs and collective works is edited by the Chair of Fundamental Moral Theology and Ethics (Prof. Luc-Thomas Somme OP) and the Chair of Special Moral Theology and Christian Social Ethics (Prof. Thierry Collaud) of the University of Fribourg (Faculty of Theology). The original collection of "Études d'éthique chrétienne"/ "Studien zur theologischen Ethik" was founded in 1977 in a bilingual form by Dietmar Mieth (responsible for the German-language titles) and Carlos Josafat Pinto de Oliveira (responsible for the French-language titles). Adrian Holderegger took over this task from Dietmar Mieth in 1981. In 2001 it was split into two series, one in German ("Studien zur theologischen Ethik", co-published by Echter and Schwabe and edited by Prof. Daniel Bogner), and "Études d'éthique chrétienne, Nouvelle série" in French published by Academic Press Fribourg.


Études sur Tibhirine / Tibhirine studies

In conjunction with the "Association for the Protection of the Writings of the Atlas Seven", the Institut Saint Thomas d'Aquin pour la théologie et la culture (ISTAC) wishes to continue this research effort and to allocate the necessary resources to it by offering a quality research framework and by supporting the search for useful funds. ISTAC intends to promote the study of these writings both among young researchers and the general public. Through its expertise in theological research, and through the means it is acquiring, ISTAC hopes to contribute to the enhancement of this spiritual heritage and to make it better known. Finally, it seeks to cooperate with other theological institutions and research centres in order to share views and coordinate efforts at the international level. This collection, intended for both collective works and single-author monographs, is directed by the scientific committee "Les écrits de Tibhirine": Dom Thomas Georgeon, Marie-Dominique Minassian and Jean Jacques Pérennès, o.p.


Cultures and Ecologies

Ecological crises are taking on ever greater prominence in our discourse, and are arousing ever-increasing concern. An “ecological turn” is underway in the realm of thought, but it is struggling to be translated into action. The dominant economic system is still based on infinite growth, greenhouse gas emissions are rising, and the state of the planet continues to deteriorate. It is not certain whether the hopes placed in a techno-scientific revolution to resolve these contradictions are justified.

This multilingual series of monographs and collective works is based on the premise that ecological transformation is not possible without questioning and challenging our existing cultural practices. It explores ways of reinventing our concepts, imaginations, and sensibilities. Of better inhabiting the world. Of creating a different kind of society. Of reaffiliating ourselves with the living.

Series edited by Corinne Fournier Kiss (University of Bern), Thierry Roger (University of Rouen Normandy) and Patrick Suter (University of Bern).


Perspectives pastorales

Edited by Prof. Abbé François-Xavier Amherdt (Ordinary Professor at the Francophone Chair of Pastoral Theology) at the University of Fribourg.

Presentation for the general public and pastoral workers in the French-speaking world of some current fields of renewal of ecclesial action in pastoral care, catechesis and homiletics. Some of the books are the result of work carried out at the Faculty and the IFM.

Intended for anyone involved in the Church, this collection brings together studies, in one or two voices, on the main challenges facing the proclamation of the Gospel and the life of the Church in today's world.


Psychologie de la spiritualité et de la religion

Edited by Prof. Pierre-Yves Brandt, Dr. Zhargalma Dandarova Robert and Dr. Grégory Dessart, this new book series of the Institute of Social Sciences of Religions at the University of Lausanne publishes monographs and collective works within the research topics of the Institute in the psychology of spirituality and religion. This series will also work in partnership with the Swiss Association for the Psychology of Religion (AsPsyRel).


Religion-Politik-Gesellschaft in der Schweiz / Religion-Politique-Société en Suisse

Series founded in 1987 by Prof. Urs Altermatt.