
April 2024

Joint book launch of the books by Marie-Dominique Minassian, "Tibhirine. Chemins de fraternité" and Talitha Cooreman-Guittin, "Alzheimer et amitié. Cheminer ensemble dans l'espérance", which will take place on Monday 29 April at 5.30pm at Academic Press Fribourg.


March 2024

Debate: "Books, islands of peace. Les pistes d'une révolution" on the Swiss stage with Gilles Descloux at the Geneva Book Fair, on 9 March from 4pm to 4.50pm. This will be followed by a book-signing session on stand C354.

The activists who took part in the social movements of 1968 included priests, pastors and lay people. Throughout French-speaking Switzerland, these Protestants and Catholics challenged the way in which religious institutions - through their practices, theology, discourse and often their silence - contributed to reproducing inequality and injustice in the world. These original Christians became politicised both through contact with Protestant, Catholic or ecumenical groups and movements promoting a militant reading of the Gospel, and through participation in the militant mobilisations and organisations that characterised the 1968s. This book explores the itineraries of these activists of Christian origin. Through a series of contextualised portraits, it reveals the matrixes of politicisation and the diversity of the militant careers of these individuals. In so doing, it adds another piece to the reconstruction of the militant configuration of the '68s.


October 2023

Launch of the book "La personne du Christ et la vie du chrétien: La morale liturgique de saint Léon le Grand" on Friday 13 October at 5 pm (at the Academic Press Fribourg office, 2nd floor, Av. de Tivoli 3, Fribourg)

A text by Servais Pinckaers, edited by prof. Luc-Thomas Somme and Magdalena Burlacu. Discover this critical edition of an unpublished manuscript from the Pinckaers Archives.
The critical edition of this unpublished manuscript is part of an initiative to promote the Pinckaers Archives, founded by the International Dominican Convent of Saint Albert-le-Grand (Albertinum) in Fribourg. An initial transcription of the typed lecture by Servais Pinckaers o.p. was made by Prof. em. Michael Sherwin o.p. and his team.


September 2023

Academic Press Fribourg and the Committee are pleased to announce the launch of the "Fons et culmen" book series. The aim of this series is to publish monographs, collective works, essays and works, mainly in French or German, related to teaching and research in liturgical sciences.

Under the direction of Prof. Michel Steinmetz, it takes its name from the conciliar constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium of Vatican II, which places the liturgical act at the heart of the life of the Church, in a continual to-and-fro with the whole of its pastoral action. The choice of a Latin title expresses not only fidelity to the major conciliar intuitions, but also the importance attached to contributions from a variety of linguistic backgrounds, in line with the international outlook of the University of Fribourg. The collection is in fact attached to the Institute of Liturgical Sciences of its Faculty of Catholic Theology.

With the ambition of exploring original ways of giving a fresh account of Christian celebration, the collection aims to contribute to the epistemology of liturgical science, which is still under construction. Thus, in a holistic way, all the harmonics that make it possible to give an account of the liturgical object, in its celebratory manifestation, will be welcome here.


Partnership with Proquest

Our Open Access books will be available on the global academic aggregation and research databases and platforms ProQuest and Clarivate. This partnership offers worldwide visibility to our authors, collections and catalogues.


Orif membership

We are delighted to announce our membership of the Orif organisation. This follows our existing partnership in which we train Orif apprentices.

New employee

Welcome to Franck Doudin Distribution and Accounting Assistant, a new position in our team! Congratulations on successfully completing your CFC as a commercial employee.

New employee

Welcome to Alessandra Maigre, Theology, Philosophy and Psychology Editor, a new position in our team! And congratulations on her recent doctorate at the University of Fribourg on the challenges of spirituality in sport.

Partnership with Orif

As part of our new partnership with ORIF, two apprentices will be training with us for a year.

Bilingual series: "Politique-Religion-Société en Suisse / Politik-Religion-Gesellschaft in der Schweiz"

Many thanks to Urs and Bernhard Altermatt, who entrusted us with the "Politique-Religion-Société en Suisse/ Politik-Religion-Gesellschaft in der Schweiz" book series, founded in 1987 at the University of Fribourg, which we recently brought back to the market


August 2023

New employee

Welcome to Corinne Fournier Kiss, who is joining the team as Editor for Literature. A specialist in Roman and Slavic Literature from the University of Berne, her contribution will be invaluable in developing our catalogue.


March 2023

Christening of of Jean-René Moret's book "Dieu d'après Jésus"

Academic Press Fribourg and the author are pleased to invite you to the vernissage of his book "Dieu d'après Jésus" on Saturday 11 March at 3.30 pm.
The vernissage will be followed by an aperitif.

Église évangélique de la Pélisserie
Rue de la Pélisserie 20
1204 Geneva


The bishop emeritus of the Sahara to give a conference

On the occasion of the publication of the first two books of the collection "Études sur Tibhirine/ Tibhirine studies" (Le don de Tibhirine : la fécondité d'un martyre ; Tibhirine, des frères pour notre temps) a conference for the general public will be given by Mgr Claude Rault. Bishop emeritus of Laghouat in the Sahara and marked by the figure of Charles de Foucauld, Mgr Claude Rault will retrace through his own journey that of the Church in Algeria. His reflections and accounts evoke the death of the monks of Tibhirine and Pierre Claverie, his relationship with Islam and the men and women of Algeria. He will speak about the spirituality of the desert, his life experience, his joys and challenges.

Wednesday 8 March from 7pm to 9.30pm

Free admission, Centre Ste-Ursule, Rue des Alpes 2, Fribourg


December 2022

Launch of a new book series : "Études sur Tibhirine / Tibhirine studies"

On December 1st, St. Charles de Foucauld's day, Academic Press Fribourg launches a new book series on Tibhirine studies. This series, intended for both collective works and single-author monographs, in French and English, is directed by the scientific committee "Les écrits de Tibhirine", which has been responsible since 2017 for the systematic publication of the writings of the monks of Tibhirine. It is composed of Dom Thomas Georgeon (Soligny Abbey), Jean Jacques Pérennès, o.p. (French Biblical and Archaeological School of Jerusalem and doctor honoris causa of the University of Fribourg) and Marie-Dominique Minassian (University of Fribourg / Swiss National Fund) who is in charge of it. The series is aimed at both the academic world and the general public.

In conjunction with the Association for the Protection of the Writings of the Atlas Seven, this publishing project has received significant support from the University of Fribourg and the Swiss National Science Foundation. By equipping itself with this new publication tool, the scientific committee wishes to extend and promote the theological research effort around the writings of these blessed martyrs beatified in Oran (Algeria) on 8 December 2018 with their twelve other companions.

In a network with other publishers from different linguistic areas, this series will publish the proceedings of the biennial international colloquiums initiated in 2019 in Fribourg, academic works and other studies deserving to be widely disseminated, beyond the sole academic sphere. This collection will thus document the multidisciplinary reception effort, intensified by their recent beatification, of the experience and writings of this Trappist community.


Our publishing house joins the Swiss book organisation Livre Suisse.


November 2022

Review of the book "Le corps vu et révélé" by Anne-Marie Pelletier in the "Études" journal (November issue).


October 2022

"Cath Info" article on the "Études d'éthique chrétienne, Nouvelle série", and on our publishing house


July 2022

Launch of the next volume in the "Études d'éthique chrétienne, Nouvelle série" book series

Academic Press Fribourg, the editors of the series of "Études d'éthique chrétienne, Nouvelle série" and the author are pleased to invite you to the christening of Wojciech Gliniecki's book "L'affirmation" de l'homme dans le personnalisme de Jacques Maritain et son apport dans la vision intégrale de l'être humain.

25 August at 5 pm at the Academic Press Fribourg office,
2nd floor, Avenue de Tivoli 3, CH-1700 Fribourg


June 2022

The "Culture Club" programme on Radio Notre-Dame invites the authors of "Corps vu et révélé: l'art en dialogue avec la Bible" to talk about their book (13.06.22)

13 June at 11.03 am:


Welcome to our new office (10.06.22)

Our publishing house has finally found its new office on the 2nd floor of Avenue de Tivoli 3 in Fribourg, between the train station and the University (Miséricorde site). Our team is looking forward to seeing you there!


April 2022

Book signing on 30 May (1pm) and 7 June (afternoon) at Collège des Bernardins (20 Rue de Poissy, 75005 Paris) of the book "Le corps vu et révélé: l'art en dialogue avec la Bible"

Please register at in order to ensure a sufficient number of copies


March 2022

The volumes of the "Études d'éthique chrétienne, Nouvelle série" are available again

The volumes of the Études d'éthique chrétienne, Nouvelle série have been digitised. In the next few days they will be available again on the internet and in bookshops in paperback format. Booksellers can order one or more copies directly from the publisher (without right of return) or from our distributor (Hachette) with right of return (OLF in Switzerland, Dilibel in Belgium, Hachette Canada for Canada, Hachette Livre for France and the rest of the world).


February 2022

The "Études d'éthique chrétienne, Nouvelle série" book series joins Academic Press Fribourg

The Department of Moral Theology of the Faculty of Theology (Fribourg, Switzerland) has entrusted the French-language book series "Études d'éthique chrétienne, Nouvelle série" to Academic Press Fribourg, which was re-launched in 2021 by the company Chiron Media (Fribourg). Publications dating from 2001-2021 will soon be digitised and made available again. New releases are planned for this year.

This interdisciplinary series of monographs and collective works is edited by the Chair of Fundamental Moral Theology and Ethics (Prof. Luc-Thomas Somme OP) and the Chair of Special Moral Theology and Christian Social Ethics (Prof. Thierry Collaud) of the University of Fribourg (Faculty of Theology). The original collection of "Études d'éthique chrétienne / Studien zur theologischen Ethik" was founded in 1977 in a bilingual form by Dietmar Mieth (responsible for the German-language titles) and Carlos Josafat Pinto de Oliveira (responsible for the French-language titles). Adrian Holderegger took over this task from Dietmar Mieth in 1981. In 2001 it was split into two series, one in German ("Studien zur theologischen Ethik", co-published by Echter and Schwabe and edited by Prof. Daniel Bogner), and "Études d'éthique chrétienne, Nouvelle série" in French published by Academic Press Fribourg.


Series page on the University website


New book series of Psychology of Spirituality and Religion joins Academic Press Fribourg

Edited by Prof. Pierre-Yves BrandtDr. Zhargalma Dandarova Robert and Dr. Grégory Dessart, this new book series of the Institute of Social Sciences of Religions at the University of Lausanne publishes monographs and collective works within the research topics of the Institute in the psychology of spirituality and religion. This series will also work in partnership with the Swiss Association for the Psychology of Religion (AsPsyRel).

Link to the Institute

Swiss Association for the Psychology of Religion (AsPsyRel)


November 2021

The distribution of the "Aux sources du temps présent" book series entrusted to Academic Press Fribourg

The distribution of the "Aux sources du temps présent" book series is now entrusted to Academic Press Fribourg.  Directed by Prof. Claude Hauser and Dr. Stéphanie Roulin, the series is published by the Department of Contemporary History of the University of Fribourg.

Founded in 1996 by prof. Francis Python and Claude Hauser, the series Aux Sources du Temps » Présent (ASTP) aims to publish excellent dissertations in contemporary history. The series is non-profit and promotes academic work while serving as an editorial platform for young historians.



September 2021

Distribution agreement with Hachette Livre

Academic Press Freiburg announces an exclusive worldwide distribution partnership with Hachette Livre.

All physical and online bookstores in the world registered on the Hachette system will be served. Orders and returns will be handled directly by Hachette Livre

Referenced on the Amazon and Fnac websites, as well as on the websites of physical and online bookstores, the books will be printed to order and sent to booksellers in metropolitan France within 48 hours and in Europe within a week.

Links to relevant websites:


May 2021

Chiron Media relaunches Academic Press Fribourg

The family-owned Chiron Media group, based in Fribourg, Switzerland, relaunched Academic Press Fribourg.

The editorial goal is to renew the scientific and philosophical culture of these historical editions of the University of Fribourg through new French, German and English speaking collections and to expand its distribution in Europe and beyond.

Internet referencing is also being strengthened to allow better discovery of new publications, ranging from national and university library catalogues to Google Scholar and Google Books, as well as Amazon and the many physical and digital bookstore partners around the world.