Publish With Us


Partner with us

You will receive thoughtful feedback on your work throughout the process and we will ensure your book finds a home in the right subject list or series. Our editors are on hand to help with queries, and author care continues past editorial to production, marketing, and sales, providing exceptional support and guidance from contract to publication and beyond. We pride ourselves on responding promptly, efficiently, and helpfully to author queries at all stages of the publishing process.


Peer-Reviewing and Product Development

All of our books are peer-reviewed at proposal and/or manuscript stage by respected academic specialists who provide independent advice on the content, quality, and potential market for a finished book.


International Reach

We have an international presence in English, French, and in German. This allows our editorial, marketing, foreign rights, and sales teams to ensure your book has the right exposure.


Quality Design and Production Value

Using the latest technology, our books are produced efficiently, quickly, and attractively, with in-house production and design teams.


Cutting Edge Approaches

As the industry rapidly evolves, we are committed to staying ahead of the curve to complement our print book distribution. With digital publishing, we have invested in a range of innovative new ways of delivering the highest quality content to our markets, from eBooks to our online platform, Open Access options, strategic partnerships, and important projects such as how to maximize the discoverability of academic content in the new digital environment.


The Publishing Process at Academic Press Fribourg

We have listed below the steps your manuscript will follow at Academic Press Fribourg.


Internal Editorial Assessment

The Editor will assess the strengths of your proposal and how well it fits with the subject list.


Initial peer review

Your proposal will be sent out for initial peer review.


Discuss Reviews

Potentially revise and resubmit proposal based on reviewer feedback and discussions with your Editor.


Editorial Board Meeting

If approved for publication, the contract terms are determined.



You will be issued with a contract.

Key parts of the contract include length, royalties, copyright, and the delivery date.


Manuscript Delivery

Submit your final manuscript, working with an Editorial Assistant on formatting and permissions queries.



Copyediting and typesetting, proofreading and indexing, collating and correction, and cover design.


Book Publishes

Congratulations, your book will now be available to read ! Our marketing team works to ensure your book is promoted to the appropriate target audience.


About Open Access Books

Beside the print version, open access makes published academic research freely and permanently available online. Anyone, anywhere can read and build upon this research.

Upon publication, Open Access titles are made available in digital format to read and download freely under a Creative Commons license (links here in English and German: English or German).